Web App

Apex Informatics

Managing the entire supply chain from asset owners, designers, contractors, and manufacturers maximise their efficiency by leveraging asset-based data.

Frontend development & Integration
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The Project:

The project was about building a robust GIS web application with a serverless framework posed several challenges. My role was to create the frontend and integrate it seamlessly with the backend developed by our team.


Our endeavor to create a cutting-edge GIS web application was met with the complexities of handling an extensive set of geospatial data, ensuring optimal performance, and creating an interactive user interface. We needed to seamlessly integrate our frontend, developed using React and TypeScript, with the backend services, while employing Deck.gl and Mapbox for advanced data visualization and interactive mapping.


Technologies Used:

  • React: For building a dynamic and responsive UI.
  • TypeScript: Ensuring type safety and enhanced code quality.
  • Deck.gl: Implemented for advanced geospatial data visualizations.
  • Mapbox: Used for interactive and customizable mapping features.

Frontend Development:

  • React and TypeScript: Our frontend is built using React, ensuring a responsive and dynamic user interface. TypeScript offers us a typed superset of JavaScript that guarantees higher code quality and predictability, reducing runtime errors.
  • Deck.gl and Mapbox Integration: We have integrated Deck.gl to render large datasets for advanced data visualizations. Mapbox is employed to offer interactive and customizable maps, enhancing the user’s interactive experience.
  • Performance Optimization: The challenge of handling extensive geospatial data was tackled by optimizing the performance of our React application, ensuring seamless user interaction even with large datasets.

Integration with Backend:

  • Serverless Framework: The frontend communicates seamlessly with a serverless backend. This ensures that the application is scalable and can handle a large volume of user requests without compromising the performance.
  • AWS Services: We ensured that AWS services like Lambda and Cognito are well-integrated, with Lambda handling backend tasks efficiently and Cognito ensuring secure user authentication and authorization.
  • Data Handling: Incorporating efficient data handling mechanisms to ensure that the large volume of geospatial data is processed, managed, and visualized effectively on the frontend.


Enhanced User Experience:

  • Interactive Visualizations: With the integration of Deck.gl and Mapbox, users can enjoy interactive and visually appealing geospatial visualizations, making data analysis intuitive and engaging.
  • Scalability: The application, backed by the serverless architecture, ensures that the frontend remains responsive and efficient, effectively handling increased user requests and large datasets.
  • Maintenance and Updates: The frontend is designed for easy updates and maintenance, ensuring that the application remains up-to-date with the latest features and optimizations, offering users a consistently efficient and engaging experience.

By leveraging these technologies and ensuring seamless integration between the frontend and backend, we’ve delivered a GIS web application that is not only scalable and performance-optimized but also offers an intuitive and engaging user experience.