Web Application

Digitek Consulting

Web application to search, to find and compare products prices information

Frontend development & integration
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The Client

Digitek Consulting small business focused on supporting Governments and private companies of the developing World to undertake and scale their digital transformation journey successfully. They design and deliver products & services that create the best “value for money” for their clients. They contacted our team (Qualcentric) to get a quick project done for a demo.

The Goal

The goal of this project was to build a comprehensive platform for users to search, to find and compare products prices information.The project involved rendering a large amount of data (1.3 million entries) in the application, so it was important to optimize the speed of the response. The team worked well together and delivered a solution that met the requirements.

UI components

  • Login
  • Home Page
  • Evident Search
  • Single Product Page
  • My Requests Page
  • Add Request Pop up
  • The Very long paginatioin

The plan & process

I was tasked with creating the frontend using a UI design provided by the client and integrating the necessary APIs.

The technologies used in the application
For backend
  • My SQL
  • Django
  • AWS
For frontend & integartion
  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript
  • Phosphor Icons
  • Postman

I followed the project specifications and used React and Tailwind to develop the UI. To optimize the rendering process, I implemented React's lazy function to dynamically load modules on each page. One of the biggest challenges I faced while creating the application was implementing pagination, which required some research but I was ultimately able to accomplish it.

Once the prototype was completed, the client thoroughly tested it and provided feedback on changes that needed to be made. After making these revisions, the prototype was ready for demonstration

The Result

After some significant efforts I and the team were able to finish it and delivered to the client.