Digital Software


Web application for clinicians to manage patient care

Front end development & integration
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The Client

NeuroVirt is a medical technology development start up specialising in upper-limb rehabilitation. It uses Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) to gamify the rehabilitation process, making it fun and accessible.

The Goal

The purpose of this project is to build a comprehensive platform for clinicians to manage patient care, including the ability to create new patients, view accurate and up-to-date impairment and improvement data, and prescribe treatment.

UI components

  • Dashboard
  • My Patients
  • Create Patient
  • Create Prescription for patient
  • Single patient (with all the improvement charts)
  • Patients Flag history
  • All VR devices
  • Single VR device
  • Report Issue forVR device
  • Notifications
  • Settings
  • My account
  • Security
  • Contact US
  • Reported issues list
  • Report Issue popup
  • Help

The plan & process

A team of developers was responsible for building the application. The client provided a UI design, and my role was to develop the frontend based on that design and integrate the necessary APIs. The project involved collaborating with the rest of the team to ensure a successful outcome within the prescribed timeframe.

The technologies used in the application
For backend
  • My SQL
  • ExpressJS
  • NodeJS
  • Microsoft Azure
For frontend & integartion
  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript
  • Apex charts (for visualising the progress of the patient through charts)
  • Phosphor Icons
  • Postman

I used CRA react and specifically used react's lazy function in every page to dynamically load the module before rendering. I utilized the Tailwind CSS library to streamline UI development. After completing the UI, I tested the APIs using Postman and integrated them into the application.

The prototype was tested with real users, and their feedback was incorporated to produce the final product. The team and I worked diligently to implement the changes requested by the client and have completed the necessary preparations for the public release of the application.

The Result

In summary the team and I utilized a range of technologies to develop the application and closely followed the client's design specifications. Through user testing and iteration, we were able to deliver a final product that met the client's needs and timeline. We are confident that the application will be a valuable tool for clinicians and are excited to see it being used in the field.