AI Software

OneClip AI

AI to create mass personalised outreach.

Full Stack Development
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The Project

The purpose of this project was to develop OneClip, an innovative platform enabling businesses to scale their video outreach efforts. This technology allows users to create a single video message, then utilizes AI to personalize that message for thousands of prospects, enhancing the engagement and effectiveness of outreach campaigns.

The plan & process

A multi-disciplinary team, including developers, AI specialists, and UX designers, collaborated to transform the concept into a reality. The client provided an initial idea, and my role involved developing and maintaining the UI screen and APIs and integrating them with each other. We worked under tight deadlines, ensuring that all components were thoroughly tested and optimized for performance and user experience.

The technologies used in the application
For backend
  • Mongo DB
  • ExpressJS
  • NodeJS
  • AWS
  • Python
For frontend & integartion
  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript
  • webRTC
  • Phosphor Icons
  • Postman

Utilizing ReactJS, I built dynamic and responsive UI components, ensuring seamless user interactions. The AI personalization engine, developed using Python and TensorFlow, was integrated to personalize videos in real-time. AWS services ensured the scalable storage and processing of thousands of videos.

The prototype was tested with real users, and their feedback was incorporated to produce the final product. The team and I worked diligently to implement the changes requested by the client and have completed the necessary preparations for the public release of the application.

The Result

Our team, employing a combination of cutting-edge technologies and innovative design approaches, successfully developed OneClip. We adhered strictly to the client's specifications and industry standards. After rigorous testing and iterations based on user feedback, we delivered a product that not only meets but exceeds the client’s expectations.

OneClip stands as a testament to effective collaboration and innovative use of technology to solve a pressing business challenge - personalizing video outreach at scale. Businesses using OneClip are already reporting increased engagement and meeting bookings, underscoring the platform’s efficacy and potential impact in the market.

We look forward with anticipation to the continued success and evolution of OneClip as it transforms the landscape of video outreach and engagement